11 February 2007

Falling in love on the essex road

All i do is stare silently as the tarmac slips away under the weight of the route. Things seem so much more interesting at night. I wonder whether im becoming nocturnal. The allure of the glistening road, calm, dead yet mysterious in one is a perpetual attraction. A lot of what i do is considered for the street at night, when London's 14 million daytime population dwindles to a hardy few. In the midst of the silence and calm your observations become more acute and penetrating, you have more space to focus on the fragments and details, to push your thoughts that little bit further. The streets feel more honest when you dont have to share them. The repertoire of familiarity continuously expanded during the day manifests itself as a reassuring presence by night. I could wander forever guided by the lamps, there is nothing to stop you. From Stoke Newington to Northchurch Road, that is my new favourite, a gradual seduction from the bitter quaintness of Stokey through to the humble honesty of the east side of Essex Road. Its only a few bus stops long, but that journey at night is magical.

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